The taste of Purity has been associated with the brand AQUAGUARD for over two decades now. It is this commitment towards excellence in product quality and services that has made the products under the brand AQUAGUARD a name to trust and look out for when hygiene, safety and health are the crux of the matter.
For over two decades Forbes Pro Water Solutions for over two decades has been promoting its institutional range of water purifiers to the industrial and institutional clients with a high degree of customer satisfaction.
The range includes UV based and Membrane based purifiers, Water treatment plants upto 5 Cumtr and accessories like Membranes / Softeners / Sterilization plants / demineralization plants.
All our products conform to the highest level of the manufacturing standards so that our clients enjoy the “Safe and healthy” environment using our water products.
Point of Use water purification systems
- UV / RO / NF – Online and Storage based water purifiers.
- RO plants – Skid mounted types.
- Media filters & Softeners
Institutional Water Purifiers
- Aquaguard Cooler Cum Purifier
- Aquaguard Storage Cum Purifier
- Aquaguard 600 / 200
- Aquaguard Reviva- RO 25/50
- Aquaguard Multi Functional Water Purifier- UF/RO